
Showing posts from April, 2017
Excellent post. One of the places I use to make explainer videos is Fiverr. I'm a HUUUGE Gary Vaynerchuck fan, he's partially the reason I decided to start the best Digital Marketing Company in Indianapolis , my home. Anyway. With today's quality mobile devices, its pretty easy to make a video that people will lose their mind over, perhaps even go viral. Instagram, Snapchat and other Social Media channels, ESPECIALLY, Facebook have taken advantage of the high quality devices and they are probably one of their major contributing factors to the downloading of Facebook Messenger. The most downloaded app in history.   Local Seo for Indiana Small business  really need to do whatever they can to maximize the value of the image. It's key to any social media is key small business seo plan . I've recently spoken with a few black male motivational speakers . They love the idea of a cohesive social media management policy.